fredag 11. juni 2021

Natural Acne Treatment

50 ml NOK 500

Natural Acne Treatment er basert på et derivat-ekstrakt (glycyrrhetinic acid) fra lakrisplanten (glycyrrhiza glabra) blandet med hjelpestoffer som frakter glycyrrhetinic acid gjennom huden og inn i sebocyttene. 

Acne forårsakes av testosteron som binder seg til androgenreseptoren (AR). Det setter i gang høy sebocytt-proliferasjon/turnover og holokrin sebumsekresjon. Bakterier lever på avfall fra disse sprengte cellene og setter i gang en infeksjon/betennelse som gir acne.

Glycyrrhetinic acid i Natural Acne Treatment blokkerer/nedregulerer androgenreseptoren og gir en varig reduksjon av acne og sorte prikker. (Bilde/link under)

Smøres på hudområder med acne/sorte prikker.

Ingredients: paraffinum liquidum,

phenoxyethanol, parfum, glycerin, 

cetearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate se, 

prunus amygdalus dulcis oil, aqua, 

ethylhexylglycerin, panthenol, cetyl 

alcohol, ceteareth-25, disodium EDTA,

ammonium acryloyl-dimethyltaurate/

VP copolymer, glycyrrhiza glabra, 

glycyrrhetinic acid.

Natural colour: tan

Trekker raskt inn i huden og blir usynlig. 

For bestilling av 50 ml Natural Acne Treatment (se bilde) direkte til Deres postkasse for kr 500,- inkl. frakt, send navn og adresse til:

ev. SMS til: 95177433

Betaling via nettbank eller Vipps.

Glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) blokkerer androgenreseptoren (AR) 

Bilde fra Wikipedia.

Attribution: Figure by Jonathan Marcus, based on an original drawing by Dr. Marianne D Sadar (Meehan KL, Sadar MD. Front Biosci. 2003 May 1;8:d780-800).

English translation of this revolutionary new invention:

Natural Acne Treatment is based on a derivative-extract (glycyrrhetinic acid) from the licorice plant (glycyrrhiza glabra) mixed with excipients that carry glycyrrhetinic acid through the skin and into the sebocytes. 

Acne is caused by testosterone binding to the androgen receptor. This triggers high sebocyte proliferation/turnover and holocrine sebum secretion. Bacteria live on debris from these ruptured cells and give infection/inflammation which causes acne.

The glycyrrhetinic acid in Natural Acne Treatment blocks/downregulates the androgen receptor and provides a lasting reduction of acne and blackheads. (Picture/link)

Soft cream. Goes quickly into the skin and becomes invisible.

Apply to areas of skin with acne/blackheads.

To order 50 ml Natural Acne Treatment directly to your mailbox for NOK 500, - (free shipping), send name and address to:

ev. to SMS: +47 95177433

Invented by Ottar Stensvold

mandag 18. januar 2021

Lactate and brain function

One good source of energy for the brain is lactate in fermented milk products. Lactate is the primary source of energy for the neurons, mostly supplied by astrocytes. 

Please take a look at this articles:

onsdag 16. desember 2020

Speeding up hydrolysis in hydrogen production

Titandioksid har evnen til å hydrolysere vann. Siden det er et billig og lett anskaffelig stoff, kan det kanskje være aktuelt å bruke som katalysator.

Titanium dioxide has the ability to hydrolyze water. Since it is a cheap and easily obtainable substance, it may be appropriate to use as a catalyst (in electrolysis).

tirsdag 22. september 2020

Drugs to increase white blood cells count (immune cells) in Covid-19 infections.

To boost the number of WBCs and the immune system, amphetamine (e.g. Ritalin/methylphenidate) can be used. One can also use Neupogen produced by Amgen. 

We will win! 

Ottar Stensvold

fredag 20. mars 2020

How to help the mentally ill.

So much is wasted because of mental disease, and efforts to help are often fruitless.
To deal with the anxiety and fear, one can intervene in the GABA biochemical system (the same system in which Valium works). A central neurotransmitter here is glutamate, which maybe works improperly or is lacking in mentally ill persons. Glutamate is a common spice, often added to foods, for instance in potato chips in the form of monosodium glutamate (MSG). So there is a real possibility to help mentally ill people, with a remedy so simple as doling out potato chips!

(This is beside the fact that following God's law is the best way for people to avoid mental illness.)

Yours sincerely,

Ottar Stensvold


"Glutamate itself serves as metabolic precursor for the neurotransmitter GABA, via the action of the enzyme glutamate decarboxylase."

torsdag 27. februar 2020

Corona treatment

The coronavirus has a protease which can be inhibited by nitric oxide (NO). (See link under). And since NO is produced in the sinuses, it might be feasible to dampen the coronavirus replication simply by breathing through the nose!

It might help to blow out with closed mouth while holding for the nose, so the ears feel clogged. Then highly pressured and concentrated nitric oxide reaches the lungs. Breathing in and out through the nose into a plastic bag gives a similar effect.


Drugs to increase white blood cells count (immune cells) in Covid-19 infections:

To boost the number of WBCs and the immune system, amphetamine (e.g. Adderall/Ritalin/methylphenidate) can be used. One can also use Neupogen produced by Amgen.

And nicotine increases adrenaline, which again increases total immune cells count.

We will win!

Yours sincerely,

Ottar Stensvold


«The stimulant cohort was less likely to utilize emergency department, hospital, and intensive care services than the unmedicated cohort, and had significantly lower 30-day mortality.»

tirsdag 10. november 2015

Nucleic acids as drugs

tRNA on Ribosome and how to wrap in and stop antigens with nucleic acids
Gif from
Regarding autoimmune MS and diabetes:
My idea is to take down the protein markers
which the T-cells home in on when they perform autoimmunity, and/or target the receptors /
surface proteins on the T-cells which they use in this task. 
In cancer, I want to target oncoproteins with oncogenes.
At GenBank and by gene sequencing we can find some of
the needed gene/protein sequences.
I try to explain my theory in this video:
I found these articles supporting my theory about amino acids` binding to their cognate codons (triplets):

Idea in biochemistry part 1-4:

Quick web searches on the topic ribosome all show the same:
the amino acid-loaded tRNA arrives at the ribosome with its
anti-codon first. I think this is an oversimplification, which
doesn`t take notice to the probable, intuitive fact that the gene is
a blueprint for the protein, a mirror-copy made through evolution.
Say the proteins initially instructed the genes and not vice versa.
Say the food came first, and then the means to carry it.
For such a complex process as translation to proceed without many errors,
there has to be a primary mechanism of proofreading. Maybe there is a
closer link between amino acids and the mRNA than previously thought.
Maybe there is a transient key-lock binding between the amino acid and
the codon before the anticodon binds.
The bases seem to reach for the amino acids, and the first and the second
bases seem to play the greatest role. For instance, the short one-cyclic U are
in the second (midst) position in codons binding hydrophobic amino acids,
indicating the hydrophobic aa`s R-groups (side chains) will turn downwards when binding.
And hydrophilic amino acids have the longer two-cyclic A in the midst position
in their codons, indicating the R-groups will turn upwards, away from the codon,
towards the water when encountering the codons.
My point is that it should be possible to make any short gene sequence
that could match any protein, almost as an antibody. The oligonucleotides
will contract at point of binding, and they will probably work for only shorter
stretches. As far as I know it should not be too dangerous to apply in vivo,
but of course animal tests, research etc. are needed.
I read for instance in Discover Magazine and at that eosinophilic cells
catapult mitochondrial DNA nets against parasites (malaria).It should be possible to target any protein-markers in any disease,
and hence destroy the culprits. Say, put a virus in a PCR machine and make
cheap copies of tailored antibodies! Or use the new oligo synthesis factories!
I try to explain my theory in this video:

Here are some articles supporting my theory about amino acids` binding to their cognate codons:


Ottar Stensvold

A drop of ordinary water-smear on a microscopy slide reveals a pattern:
the bacteria in the water lines up, symbolized like this:  o…..o..o…o…o
These lines are best seen at 400x magnification.
My theory / idea is that DNA from ruptured bacteria binds and absorbs proteins from its own species.
So what? If so, if a nucleic acid can bind to a protein in a coded manner,
then the aptamer technology is the tech of the future.
Say for instance the codon GUG, which codes for the amino acid valine, weakly
binds this amino acid. Symbolized like this: E-<
The codon-amino acid binding gives several combinatorial possibilities with
regard to polar interactions, mechanic fit and R-group placement.
If we can make aptamers tailored to bind specific proteins, then we can
take down any pathogen.
The amino acid sequence of the HIV surface protein GP 120
can be found at GenBank:
My plan is to try to make an array of different aptamers to hit this protein.
The approach I will use is basically to design aptamers that are based on
the amino acids` corresponding codons. In the DNA-aptamers, I will replace
U with T, and in the third wobble-position I will choose the assumed least
interfering base (T). RNA aptamers can also be used.
There is a chance that the aptamers will match directly.
The matches have to be at accessible parts of the protein`s surface.
The aptamers will be ordered (outsourced), for instance from:
or from Eurogentec in San Diego, California:
The price of the aptamers will be maybe around one tenth of comparable drugs,
i.e. monoclonal antibodies. The stock of different aptamers will be annotated at my portable computer. Then, step 2, we have to beg institutions which store HIV viruses to test the aptamers in vitro.
The results can be viewed with electron microscopes.
(One can also test aptamers on oncoproteins in stored tissue samples,
e.g. the 17 aa CD44 protein which is overexpressed on membranes on glioma cancer brain cells.)
This project needs help from media. The headlines could be:
“Burn off money to test HIV drug”
“Find miracle drug”
Press: “Will this be tested in humans? Will there be marketing? Sales?
Answer:  ”We will find a balanced solution, it`s fair that developed
countries pay for some of the venture.”
The task will require all communication skills and business intelligence.
It is a bit like cloud computing: once the hidden codes are found,
they have to be administered.
It is my goal to reach this goal of my life!
(or ggttggtgtggttgg)
or GGU UGG UGU GGU UGG  (in RNA) corresponds to the amino acids:
gly   trp    cys   gly   trp   abbreviations:
G      W     C      G      W
The combination “GW” occurred once in the thrombin protein,
the combination “WG” occurred twice,
the combination “WC” occurred twice
the combination “GC” occurred twice
and the combination “CG” occurred three times
The latter combination, for instance, should then bind to the aptamer-codons UGU GGU.
I did not find similar matches in the comparable plasma proteins albumin or insulin,
and I think further research will find no other similar matches either.
It is striking that the aptamer comprises the range of codons encoding the protein (aa range) it binds!
This underscores my suggestion that proteins can bind specific to their codon combinations in mRNA or (+)ssDNA.
The numbers of possibilities to get a twosome aa-combination of a pool of twenty different amino acids,
should plainly speaking be 1/20 X 1/20 = 1/400,
and this makes specific binding likely!
In the June 2009 Scientific American issue, there is an article about silent mutations (by Chamary and Hurst)
which highlights that different codons encoding the same amino acids give alterations in the proteins.
It`s thus feasible that this bias is caused by the codons` positioning of the amino acids (R-group placement in space). Hence, since nucleic acids are molds for proteins, it should be possible to use these molds as ligands for the proteins!

I think this is an area that needs further investigation.


Ottar Stensvold
