torsdag 30. september 2010

Disintegration of cancer cells


Why didn`t the shepherds get cancer?
- a proposed explanation.

The best known shepherds are they who went to find the newborn Son of God, Jesus Christ. Their journey changed the course of history. They found what was to become the centre and the goal; the heavenly communion with Christ. Shepherds seemed to be the chosen ones from an early stage. In the jews` exodus from Egypt, they played a crucial role, and both Moses and King David were shepherds before they got chosen as leaders.
In this society, cancer was rare. Why? In accordance to the immune surveillance theory, I will try to give an explanation. (I see ammonia as a counterpart to nitrogen oxide - a known immune response mediator).
In cancer, the genome goes “wild”. In the highly proliferating cancer cells, it is in vast abundance and scattered around. The rapidly dividing cells` genome lies open for transcription and replication, and is an easy target.
Now and then such cellular changes occur. To ward them off, one need a stuff that chops up the cancer genome. One such stuff could be ammonia. It`s a gaseous by-product in the bacterial breakdown of urine, especially sheep`s urine. Its odor is well-known. And the shepherds breathe in a lot. Ammonia‘s reaction with water is basic:
NH3 + H2O = NH4+ + HO-
The interior of cancer cells tends to be alkaline due to accumulation of lactate, ion channel efflux of H+, and due to consumption of H+ in excessive fatty acid synthesis. Less H+ gives more HO- and this drives the equilibrium to the left.
Ammonia diffuses directly through cell membranes and soakes the whole tissue. The body wards off this molecule by aminotransferases and by the urea cycle in the liver. DNA, with its densely stacked nitrogenous bases G + C and A + T, is somehow condensed and possesses hydrogen bonding between the bases (between N, O and H atoms).
My assumption is that DNA is vulnerable for ammonia, especially in alkaline cancer cells. NH3 will disturb (break) the hydrogen bonding between the nitrogenous bases and unzip the DNA strands. (Like dissolves like; the related molecule urea is used in laboratories to split dsDNA). Hence, the fragile cancer cells in mitosis will be the first to be destroyed when systemic ammonia is present. This could be an explanation for the low cancer incidence among the shepherds. Although NH3 is a toxic molecule, to breathe in a sheepfold, or over an open bottle of household ammonia, for that matter, is not that hazardous. This seems strange, but for God is nothing impossible, and he can use the strangest ways to fully elaborate his love for humankind.

Written by:

Ottar Stensvold


PS! See these links about ammonia`s selective destruction of the cancerous Jurkat cells and the cancerous HeLa cells:

Nasser G HaghighatMonica M Oblinger and D W McCandless:
"When C6-glioma cells were exposed to 15 mM ammonium chloride, we observed major cell death (only 32% cell survival relative to control) within 72 h."

Biochemistry of viruses

Virology: an approach to HIV-treatment - an idea/theory.

Viruses contain a lot of proteins in their capsids and envelopes: N-CR-C-N-CR-C-N-CR-C-N-CR-C … and so on. These protein chains are densely packed. They can be dissolved by short-chain fatty acids, e.g. the four-carbon butyric acid: C-C-C-COOH. This acid is small enough to creep in between the protein chains, it will intermingle and get locked between the R-groups in the protein chains. The acid will act as a soap molecule, make fractures and fringe, puncture/implode the viruses. Beside acting as an amphipathic soap molecule in the fat/protein-intersection, the butyric acid and its related molecules will neutralize the viruses.

The stuff will hit the viruses like arrows and break them up – like millions of tiny wedges. Butterfat contains a broad range of fatty acids of varying lengths, which are bound up in triglycerides. Maybe around 10% have less than 12 carbon atoms. Butyric acid alone constitutes 3-4%.
When butter is boiled in base (HO-), the fatty acids get released (saponification). When I boiled butter in sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3 – baking soda) and water, I got a cocktail of water-soluble, short-chain, free fatty acids. The cocktail showed very promising features in dissolving stacked proteins. When drinking this in sufficient amounts, some of the free fatty acids will avoid getting built into chylomicrons in the enterocytes. Thus they will be interspersed in blood and lymph, and hopefully they can emulsify/dissolve viruses.

A possible side-effect is water retention in interstitial fluid due to Gibbs-Donnan effect and osmotic pressure.
Delayed blood clotting/anti-thrombosis effect and increased bleeding due to dissolving of coagulation factors and cholesterol/fat is maybe another considerable aspect.

PS! Virusinfections and cancers are often correlated, with stacked-proteins-pathogenesis as a common trait, so it should be tried in cancer therapy too.
Even in Alzheimer`s disease there are characteristic stacked proteins (amyloids) and plaques, so this approach can be far-reaching!

One spoon of butter, two spoons of baking soda and three spoons of water boiled to the top in a small pot will do the trick.

Invented and written by:

Ottar Stensvold
