fredag 22. august 2014

Cholesterol might ease Ebola infections

Picture of Ebola virus entry into cell from
Picture from
If you flip-flop cholesterol (top), you can see it resembles benzylpiperazine adamantane diamide, a known NPC1 inhibitor (bottom)

I suggest Gogel Mogel could be beneficial for Ebola patients, simply by blocking Niemann–Pick C1 (NPC1), a cholesterol transporter protein, by cholesterol. The Ebola virus uses NPC1 for cell entry, and when cholesterol blocks this protein the viruses' entry into the cytoplasm will be impeded. Then there will be an increased virus accumulation and degradation in lysosomes. Raw eggs in Gogel Mogel will deliver much free, easy-absorbable cholesterol, and in addition they will deliver free amino acids, which are essential for quick synthesis of antibodies. 

See excerpts from Wikipedia below. 


Ottar Stensvold 


Gogel Mogel:

The dish consists of raw egg yolks and sugar, beaten and ground until they form a creamy texture, with no discernible grains of sugar. In modern kitchens, it is often mixed in a blender until it changes color and becomes thick. A classic single Gogl-Mogl portion is made from two egg yolks and three teaspoons of sugar beaten into a cream-like dish. Variations can be made by adding chocolate, vodka, rum, honey, vanilla, lemon juice, raisins, whipped cream, or a number of other ingredients based on one's own taste preferences. A Polish variation includes the addition of orange juice, creating a taste similar to an Orange Julius.


Gogel Mogel is often prepared as a transition food for babies moving from a cereal diet to one that includes eggs and other soft foods. It is also a folk medicine used for treating colds or flu, particularly chest colds and laryngitis. Gogle-mogle is ranked highly among other traditional cold remedies such as Grandma's chicken soup. The baby transition recipe includes raw eggs and sugar which in spite of its widespread use in Russia, is a health risk to young children due to possible contraction of Salmonella.
The traditional usage of Gogle Mogle as a home remedy for treating a sore throat is supported by research done in Israel.[5][6] The simplest form of preparation as a remedy is with no egg, but only honey added to warm milk. More commonly, a single raw egg is added to a cup of warm milk and mixed with a tablespoon of honey.


There are two candidates for host cell entry proteins. The first is the host-encoded Niemann–Pick C1 (NPC1), a cholesterol transporter protein, which appears to be essential for entry of Ebola virions into the host cell, and for its ultimate replication.[11][12] In one study, mice that were heterozygous for NPC1 were shown to be protected from lethal challenge with mouse-adapted Ebola virus.[11] In another study, small molecules were shown to inhibit Ebola virus infection by preventing viral envelope glycoprotein (GP) from binding to NPC1.[12][13] Hence, NPC1 was shown to be critical to entry of this filovirus, because it mediates infection by binding directly to viral GP.
When cells from Niemann Pick Type C patients lacking this transporter were exposed to Ebola virus in the laboratory, the cells survived and appeared impervious to the virus, further indicating that Ebola relies on NPC1 to enter cells; [citation needed] mutations in the NPC1 gene in humans were conjectured as a possible mode to make some individuals resistant to this deadly viral disease. [citation needed][speculation?] The same studies described similar results regarding NPC1's role in virus entry for Marburg virus, a related filovirus. A further study has also presented evidence that NPC1 is critical receptor mediating Ebola infection via its direct binding to the viral GP, and that it is the second "lysosomal" domain of NPC1 that mediates this binding.[14]
The second candidate is TIM-1 (aka HAVCR1).[15] TIM-1 was shown to bind to the receptor binding domain of the EBOV glycoprotein, to increase the receptivity of Vero cells. Silencing its effect with siRNA prevented infection of Vero cells. TIM1 is expressed in tissues known to be seriously impacted by EBOV lysis (trachea, cornea, and conjunctiva). A monoclonal antibody against the IgV domain of TIM-1, ARD5, blocked EBOV binding and infection.
Together, these studies suggest NPC1 and TIM-1 may be potential therapeutic targets for an Ebola anti-viral drug and as a basis for a rapid field diagnostic assay. [citation needed]

2 kommentarer:

  1. Glucose enhances intestinal cholesterol absorption:

  2. Ebola virus entry requires the cholesterol transporter Niemann-Pick C1.
